Telling Your Farm's Brand Story

The why & how to create a brand story for your farm

Read time: 3 Minutes

Branding is something that is easily overlooked, especially when starting out. It’s easy to get shiny object syndrome when getting started with marketing yourself and your farm or ranch.

Oh, what website platform should I use? What social media platforms should I be focussing on? What types of discounts or offers should I promote?

These questions can easily cloud out the more important foundational questions (which we will be covering in the coming weeks).

What is a Brand Story?

A brand story is the story of your business as perceived by your customers and potential customers.

It covers and contains who you are, what you do and what you stand for.

If you don’t have these questions answered, how are you going to connect with the right customers in your community and online?

Luckily, there are great tools available to assist you in crafting your own brand story for your farm or ranch, or maybe even for your own personal brand too!

When I begin working with a client, I often give them a little homework and send them to 

This is a free platform; just create an account and follow the instructions.

Why Does a Brand Story Matter?

Once you have your farm’s brand story crafted, it will help you in a variety of ways. For one, it will clarify who it is you are actually wanting to attract and target in your marketing strategies.

To give an example, does a great job of this. Not only are they clear with their brand story, they have simplified it into bite sized copy so when potential customers stumble across their website, they know exactly what to expect from the brand!

Check out the brand focus here “The Best Meat On The Planet, For The Planet”

Once your brand story is created (something is better than nothing), then you can start to craft your own marketing material with more precision and that makes a greater impression on the potential customers who see it.

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