Can I get some feedback?

I'm working on a new project.

I invite you on a learning journey.

I’m working on a new project called the “Regenerative Roadtrip” with the goal of sharing regenerative stories, ideas & resources.

The newsletter will include…

  • Interviews with farmers and ranchers

  • Navigating a regenerative career path

  • Funding & grant opportunities for regenerative agriculture

  • What regenerative agriculture means as a consumer and eater

  • Highlighting regenerative organizations, companies & brands

  • Documenting my learning journey as I visit & explore the space

Why am I starting a new newsletter?

This is newsletters is for anyone who eats, wears clothes, or relies on ecology to provide our basic needs… so everyone.

But more so for those who are actively transforming our food and farming system into the regenerative ideal we are all striving for.

If this isn’t you, then unsubscribe. I don’t mind, my feelings won’t be hurt.

Wendell Berry sums it up.

“Eating is an agricultural act.”

Wendell Berry

Every bite we take is either leading to a regenerative future or perpetuating our existing farming and food paradigm.

I invite you to travel alongside me as I journey around the regenerative agriculture movement documenting what I learn and discover.

I’d appreciate it if you’d subscribe and follow along.

P.S. - Don’t worry - I am still going to be sharing marketing tips & providing online marketing help to farms. If you have been following along for awhile, schedule a call with me.


or to participate.