Farm profits are just around the corner
4 steps to ensure growth for your farm this year.
4 Steps to Ensure Growth & Profit This Year
This post is a framework and reflection about how I am approaching social media this year; for myself and the farms I am working with.
Success and growth are not as far away as you think.
You just need to follow a simple framework.
1. Begin with the End in Mind
This time of year is interesting.
Keeping our New Years resolutions is starting to become more challenging as the novelty of setting them is beginning to wear off.
But with that comes an opportunity to reflect before the 2024 growing season ramps up to full gear in the coming months.
Begin with the end in mind.
Stop and ask yourself (pertaining to online marketing)…
What is “good enough” for online success?
What is my end goal I desire for building an online brand?
If I could wave a magic wand, what would I want our online marketing strategy to achieve?
How does social media connect to our farm goals beyond sales?
What are the most important tasks when it comes to digital marketing and social media that bring the most return for time invested?
Take some time to really answer those questions with the intentions of creating some “North Stars” for your online marketing efforts this year.
2. Optimize Your Digital Footprint
Take inventory of your online world.
What social media pages do you have created?
What does your website look like?
Is your website mobile friendly?
Are you using consistent messaging across your socials and webite?
Do a quick scan of all you have created online so far. Make a list of things you are doing well and others that you see room for improvement.
Remember the acronym K.I.S.S. - Keep It Stupid Simple.
Simple is better, but concise. You can say a lot with a little.
Make sure to take some time to optimize your digital footprint so it is simpler and easy to remember for your community.
3. Build an Email List
If you don’t already, you need to be gathering emails.
Social media algorithms are always changing, some not for your benefit.
But with any email list, you own that data and are able to communicate directly with a group of people who chose and opted in to hear from you.
This is where most of your customer nurturing and conversions will occur.
In only 3 years I was able to grow my family’s sweet corn business email list to more than 4,000 people, all in our local area.
Now it has taken the pressure off of posting so much on social media or paying for Facebook advertising because I can send out an email and most of them are going to see it.
Your email list is an investment and an asset, make sure you are building it.
4. Create Content Consistently
It doesn’t matter if you choose to post multiple times per day or a few times per week. Whatever you choose, stay consistent throughout the entire year.
The results will begin to compound.
If you have noticed, I have stopped posting on Instagram as consistently (something I am going to pick back up on in the months to come), but have really been active on LinkedIn because I have found it to align better with the goals and end I am working towards.
I encourage you to choose the following and stick with it the rest of the year.
Which platform is most beneficial for my goals?
Where is my ideal customer / audience most active?
How many pieces of content can I realistically post weekly?
Can I outsource content creation to someone locally or online if I am feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of posting regularly?
Answer these questions thoroughly and act in accordance.
Results come with consistently showing up.
But you get to define those parameters.
Only 1 Available Spot for February, If You Are Interested in Working Together.
I have had some really excited conversations with folks who are interested in the Farm Marketing Incubator Program.
And had a few farmers who are launching next week.
I do have 1 more available slot for the program if you are interested in making 2024 your farm’s best year yet.
Schedule a call to learn more and see if it’s right for your situation.